Smoking: A Real Drag on Your Oral Health

The detrimental damages of smoking are no secret to most of the world. Smokers, as well as those who use any type of tobacco, are more likely to be affected by a myriad of diseases and a negatively impacted quality of life. Years and countless medical studies have revealed the direct links between tobacco use and devastating health effects, yet people continue to light up and chew tobacco. The fact that tobacco is a highly addictive substance only adds to the ill effects because of how hard it is for people to break the habit of using tobacco. However, choosing to overcome this addiction is extremely important for your health, which includes your oral health.
Negative effects of smoking and tobacco use do not limit themselves, yet there are some that are more obvious and well-known than others. For instance, it is no surprise to learn that smoking causes discoloration of the teeth. Tobacco is a staining agent, and when it is repeatedly introduced into the mouth it will leave behind evidence. Your smile is a very personal feature, and it will give people a lasting impression of your appearance and how well you take care of yourself. If your smile is discolored or stained, your personal and professional life can hang in the balance. Not to mention, that tobacco use also wreaks havoc on your breath. Every time you exhale, the foul odor or tobacco that has been mixed with the bacteria of your mouth is emitted into the air around you.
Lung cancer and breathing issues are also directly related to smoking. Every time you inhale from a cigarette or cigar you introduce dangerous chemicals into the lungs. These chemicals cause irreversible changes to the lung tissues, and over time these changes lead to lung cancer and lung disease.
However, your oral health is also extremely susceptible with any tobacco use. Smoking and chewing tobacco weaken the immunity of the oral tissues, and because tobacco irritates these tissues, disease easily sets in and destroys the mouth. Gums that become severely infected will develop periodontal disease, which is irreversible and causes tooth loss and will cause damage to the jaw bone if not properly treated. Oral cancer is prominent among smokers and tobacco users because the weakened immunity does not have the ability to ward off disease.
At Dental Care Center at Kennestone, we want to help you overcome the damage caused by tobacco use. We are here to help you break the habit and restore health to your mouth. Please contact us for an appointment today.
Posted on behalf of Dental Care Center at Kennestone