Does Flossing Really Make a Difference?

Whether you find flossing time-consuming or painful, you probably think of any excuse possible to skip the chore.
After all, flossing can’t make as big of a difference as your Marietta dentist says it does.
Or can it?
The Flossing Debate
Flossing is only one of several elements necessary for oral health. Tooth brushing, rinsing, tongue scraping, and fluoride also affect teeth and gums. You can’t prevent cavities and gum disease with flossing, alone.
Additionally, it’s possible to floss incorrectly. Many people who do floss don’t understand why their teeth aren’t getting healthier. It can seem like flossing doesn’t make much of a difference.
Despite all of this, you still have a very good reason to keep flossing.
How Flossing Impacts Your Oral Health
Bacteria and debris that grow between your teeth and gums put you at risk for periodontal disease and tooth decay. Your toothbrush can’t reach these spaces, but dental floss can. When it comes to flossing, even a little bit can make a difference!
Effective Flossing Alternatives
Cleaning between your teeth can only improve your chances of having a healthy mouth. How you manage to clean between your teeth is up to you.
You can skip the floss in favor of easier, faster, and more comfortable alternatives. For example, you can sweep between wide gaps by flossing with a piece of soft yarn. Reach those back teeth with a flossing device that you can hold like a toothbrush. Or, blast away plaque with water by using a water flosser.
Learn the latest about flossing and get customized oral hygiene advice by planning a visit to Dental Care Center at Kennestone.
Posted on behalf of Dental Care Center at Kennestone